Yany Oh’s New Santorini Video and some reminders…

#SecondLife Years ago, Yany Oh did a video of the original Santorini and a few days ago he visited New Santorini and did another beautiful rendition we thought we’d share with you:

4k – Ty & Truck’s NEW SANTORINI – Masterpiece of Second Life

Thank you Yany!

We also wanted to remind you all that Ty and Truck continue to work there adding a new beach area and improvements and additions to both Santorini and the underwater Gardens of Thera, and making the land bridges to and from New Santorini accessible via the rezzable WH (Thank you to Tyrian Slade for providing the Water Horses and helping with that!) It’s a beautiful Sunday to visit Santorini and try the new addition to the Coast Trail Ride!

P.S. And remember TOMORROW NIGHT Reggie Sunset entertains us at The Dolphin Cafe, 7pm SLT!

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