Explore the serene and beautiful woods and meadows of MIRROMERE by horse or foot -be prepared to be awed by the redwoods, and don’t miss the new rooms in Calas Caverns.   Midway through the caverns is a beautiful Ice Cave to explore so dress warmly.  The best way to access the caverns is to take a kayak (the larger boats may be too big ) at the main entrance (Teleport now to Calas Caverns entrance) and paddle through, turning your sky settings to Midnight.

If you are on the sim, the caverns are near the Teahouse.  You will find the new rooms in caverns on the right, shortly after you pass the cuddle area there. Remember in this area of the main caverns it is best to keep the kayak close to the rock ledge walkway as the sim line is nearby.

Once you paddle into the new rooms, be sure to take some time looking around.  See what you can discover that we’ve hidden;).  If you continue paddling through, you will eventually exit on the Calas Galadhon side of Mirromere, near the balloon.   You can also reach the new caverns by entering through the newly reopened ‘TnT Mine’ near the entrance to Mirromere.

There is a lovely machinima featuring an older version of Mirromere on our “Links we like…” tab – check it out!

Now touch the music bar above,  touch a photo and take the tour as you listen…

Visit the sim now: MIRROMERE